Organism & Technology
The technologies mankind has invented in the last 200 to 250 years have not only brought about an unprecedented growth of man-made things and material wealth, but have also brought the whole plant to the literal eve of destruction. While they are largely based on gravity, explosion and destruction, a new life-friendly technology is possible which will be based on levity, implosion and construction. However, this kind of technology might come out even more destructive for the whole of mankind and planet earth, if not along with its development a life-friendly and responsible attitude is developed.
The beginnings of such technologies can be found amongst what follows:
The Oloid technolog has been developed in Switzerland since 1995 and was introduced to the Philippinen in 2009. It goes back to a hint by Rudolf Steiner and was finally discovered by Paul Schatz erfunden. It is the only three-dimensional body that will touch the ground with the whole of its surface the oloid is being used for the treatment of waste water, aeration of ponds or on shrimp farms. Its movement ideally adapts to those natural to the water and thus encourages its own healing forces. The energy needed is only around 5% of the one used by comparable machinery. You´ll find more about the oloid on Residents of the Philippines interested in the oloid technology may directly turn to
A great example, how to connect life-friendly technologies and Social Sculpture is Atelier Dreiseitl (with offices in Ueberlingen, Singapore, Beijing und Portland/Oregon) – check out their work at
The name Sonett stands for the highest standards in the cleaning of clothes, floors or dishes. Not only do their products not harm the water and the planet, they even do it good. Go to
There are quite a few interesting tools around that can help give the water – that has been pressed through pipelines – back its natural life energy. However, as for millions of people it is a big problem to get daily access to potable water in general, we have decided to import and distribute a simple, inexpensive and highly effective water filter into the Philippines ourselves. Please help us bring this filter to all who need it and remember you can use it yourself even in Manila when there is no running water available due to another typhoon. Check the details out at
There´s more to come. Stay in touch!